The Widows Sons Museum was
Founded on August 4, 2017, by our Founder Worshipful Brother Carl A.
Davenport, shortly after the New Grand Chapter of Missouri was chartered
and the new Widows Son Campground was officially opened in Galena,
Brother Rick Casada, the President of the new Missouri Grand Chapter was
appointed as the head of the new museum. The Widows Son Museum will be
located in Missouri, and will display many items related to the
Widows Sons.
The first item donated was Wyoming's first production 20th Anniversary
coin. The first production 15th Anniversary coin will also be donated,
along with the Founder's vest with the black widows patch, and several
other items. More of our rich history will be donated.
All chapters are encouraged to contribute to the museum. When you create
a new item using the Widows Sons name or logo, take the first one
produced and send it with your name, your chapter name, your state and a
description of the item to the museum.
We have contacted the first Widows Sons Chapter, the Grand Chapter of
Illinois President and Secretary about donating their vests.
If the first President of the first Widows Sons Chapter in your
jurisdiction wishes to have the vest he wore as first President
displayed he can send it with his name, jurisdiction, and a brief
description with his year as President.
If you have any first run item with our name and logo affixed, store
them up for display in the museum. |